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Mac OS X comes with a built-in calendar application called iCal in Mac OS X Lion and earlier and Calendar in Mac OS X Mountain Lion. This page provides instructions on how to configure your built-in calendar application to access your Office 365 calendar.

The page also includes links to documentation on how to perform a range of calendar functions from basic to advanced. Configuring iCal/Calendar to Access Your Office 365 Calendar To configure iCal or Calendar to access your USC calendar: • Open Calendar or iCal, found on the dock or in the Applications folder. • From the Calendar menu, select Preferences. • In the General dialog box, click the Accounts tab. • In the Accounts dialog box, click the plus sign in the lower left corner.

• In the Add an Account dialog box: • From the Account Type drop-down menu, select Exchange. • In the Full Name field, enter the name you want to appear in your calendar entries. • In the Email Address field, enter your USC email address. • In the Password field, enter the password you use with your USC email address.

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• Click Create. Calendar should find and automatically configure your account.

• The Account Summary dialog box will appear. Confirm that Contacts is checked next to Also set up: and click Create. • Close the Accounts dialog box to complete the configuration. ICal/Calendar Documentation You can access documentation on how to manage your calendar with iCal on the web page or by accessing the Help menu within iCal. Documentation for Calendar (Mac OS X Mountain Lion) can be accessed through the Help menu in the Calendar application. NOTE: If a room or resource you need to schedule is missing from the Office 365 calendar, you may request that this room or resource be added by sending an email to. ICal and Calendar Videos There are video tutorials on iCal and Calendar available at.

You will need to log into lynda.com using your USC username and password. Go to and click the “Log in to Lynda.com” button. Chapter 7 of contains a video on scheduling appointments with iCal. Chapter 6 of contains a video on scheduling appointments with Calendar.

Getting Help For additional assistance with the Office 365 calendar, please contact the.