
Best way to format external hard drive for mac and windows. Do i need to download driver for mac 4 bay arry. [00:00:00] >> [MUSIC] [00:00:04] So the notebook is a key device for us in terms of collaborating. So the collaboration experience with Equinox is very rich. HD audio, HD video, a lot of technology in there.

Very nice screen sharing capabilities, a lot of flexibility, so you have layout. You can record your meetings, you can play them back, it's like a YouTube player. [00:00:23] So you can almost go back and play them later, you can share them, stream them over MP4.


So a lot of technology in terms of the video collaboration, that's for sure. But let's take a look. >> Excellent, so here we are about to start the desktop demonstration of Avaya Equinox. [00:00:39] Hopefully you've already seen the mobile demo before this. And if not I encourage you go take a look. So essentially what we did in that scenario is walk through a couple of youth cases with myself and Brad. And Brad is actually gonna be showing the desktop side of this so what we're gonna do now is hand it over to Brad.

The Notification Center in Mac OSX 10.10 and above. See the FAQ guide for how to enable this. • Avaya Equinox, version 3.0 or above • Avaya one-X Communicator, version 2.0 or above. An Internet connection is needed for Jabra Suite for Mac to check for, download and install new device firmware.

[00:00:59] So thanks a lot Brad, and take it away. >> Okay, thanks Paul.

Let me take you through the Avaya Equinox desktop experience. I'm showing a Mac, Windows is very similar. And first I'm gonna walk through an interactive install. Now typically administrators would do a silent install where the user would just get the application pushed to them.

[00:01:20] And I'll also show you the auto configuration once it's finish installing. So we have to accept the end user agreement. And basically it's gonna go through a sort of a very typical install experience. It's gonna ask me for my password. And it's done.

After installation it's gonna run for the very first time. [00:01:51] I'm gonna get prompted, it's gonna wanna access my Calender, and now I'm at the auto configuration step. This is showing using my email to auto configure the application.

Again if the administrator pushed the application out to my desktop they could have skipped this step by specifying the address to get the auto configuration information from. [00:02:06] So in this case, just like Paul did on his mobile, I'm gonna put in my email address and it's gonna offer me up my choices.

Download Avaya Equinox For Mac Osx

If there's only one choice, then you don't have to make a choice, it'll just configure for you. In our environment we have a few different options here.