
Sync, work on documents with your Mac or PC The Google Drive for Mac service is a lot like Dropbox.

Hi, If odrive sees that a file exists it will perform a “update” which will update the file rather than uploading a new file. The tricky thing with Google Drive is that it will freely allow you to have files with the same name in the same folder. So, if for some reason, odrive doesn’t see that the filename already exists, it will upload it as a “new” file rather than a “new version” of a file. Google will accept it, and now you have 2 files with the same name. This should not be happening, generally, though. It would take a special set of circumstances to create this type of scenario.


In general, odrive will only show the most recent file, if there are files with the same names. If you choose to delete a file, that file object should be deleted, but then you may see the next most recent file with that name. If you delete that, I would expect it to be deleted, revealing the next in line, if one exists. Now that all of that explanation is out of the way, can you tell me if your particular scenario fits into the above?

If not, are you able to reproduce the issue and then send a diagnostic from the odrive menu? I can take a close look. Please give me the path and filename of the file, also. Hi, I took a look and the diagnostic only shows one upload being made odrive/google-drive-rave/test.txt.

No activity is shown for a duplicate test (1).txt file. It doesn’t appear your odrive client, itself, is creating the additional file, unless it was created after the diagnostic was sent. In fact, the only time odrive will create its own copy of a file is in a conflict situation, and when that happens conflict is appended to the file name before it is uploaded, like test (conflict).txt. When you look in the Google Drive web client, click on the duplicate file, and select the information icon on the top right to get the details and activity of the file, what does it show?

Odrive-uploaded files should odrive • in the activity listing, like this. Hi, Myself and QA ran lots of tests this weekend and this morning, but we weren’t able to reproduce what you are seeing here. Something strange is going on, for sure. In the diagnostics of yours I looked at, I wasn’t able to find an instance where your odrive client actually uploaded a duplicate, although it saw the duplicate later, once it was in the cloud. If you get a chance, can you reproduce this once more and provide the following? • A diagnostic (Wait a couple of minutes after reproducing) • A screenshot of the details and activity information for each file when viewing it from the Google Drive web client.

Hi, It is the forward slash ‘/’ characters in the file names. Technically this character isn’t allowed on Mac because it is a directory delimiter. Odrive supports what the remote storage and the local storage allow and it doesn’t perform any character mapping (we used to, but it ended up causing more problems than it solved).

Google Drive appears to be mapping the ‘/’ to an underscore ‘_’ To make things even more confusing, Finder makes it seem like a ‘/’ is supported, because it lets you have it in a name. What is really happening is that Finder is replacing the ‘/’ with a ‘:’ character and then displaying that as a ‘/’. You can verify this by looking at the “true” file name in a terminal session. Canon pixma e400 driver for mac.

Finder also won’t let you add a ‘:’ character to a filename. Best format for mac windows hard drive.

Connected a windows share to a NAS Linux v5 Based Thecus N4100, N5500, N7700, and N8800. Google Drive reported the directory was not writeable. A quick look and all folders had a black square in read only. Took a look at the security tab and the only full control was for the NAS accounts. All windows account permissions that Google drive relies on were blank and unchangeable. This is by design for Linux NAS permission in Windows. No I cant change everyone to full control.

As google drive has no explicit NAS Linux account the only option was to have the NAS run in public permission mode. Yes google drive now installs. But it's not a good fix. Acronis True Image Home backup can not log into the NAS. It wants a Linux account to browse despite it being public.