
This topic is partially covered by an answer from Jim Gordon at the very end of an excellent prior post from 2012 ('How do you add a back button in Word for Mac 2011: I need to return to previous location following hyperlink' - But this shows how to make a toolbar with back button function on it (which I did and it works perfectly). However, I want to be able to insert an icon or action button that lies within the word document itself and that will do the same thing. Specifically, the document will have citations within it and these will be hyperlinked. When I click on the citation, it will take me to the reference at the end of the document within the bibliography. Visual studio for mac enabel code folding. Once there, I would like the option to go back to where I was in the document.

This function is shown clearly on this online scientific article (which I am trying to at least partially replicate using Word and a reference manager named Endnote): - Any help on how to do this would be much appreciated. What you provided a link to is a web page which involves HyperText Markup Language (HTML), it isn't a Word document. Although the text very well may have been composed using Word, Word documents do not support that sort of device. What you want to do may also be possible in a PDF if you have the proper software. If you're willing to put in a meticulous & painstaking amount of effort, something similar can be done in a word document. If you intend to distribute it to others, however, there is nothing you can do to prevent it from being modified but still operate.

You can expect to see all that work go down the drain, probably more sooner than later. Please mark HELPFUL or ANSWERED as appropriate to keep list as clean as possible ☺ Regards, Bob J. Dear Bob, Thank you so much for taking the time to reply. I’m a scientist and not a programmer but yes, I do realize that the link I sent was not a word document. I used it just to try and illustrate what I had hoped to do.


Click on the “File” menu in either program, and select “Save As” or “Save Page As.” In the dialog box, click “Save as Type” and select the 'Text Only' option. Word for mac free download 2015. You can open the plain text document in Word, but you will need to copy and paste the graphics into your document. There is only one possible virus on a Mac and that is a word virus. Your virus scan probably only checked for those windows viruses that don't exist on a Mac. Ordinarily, I would think that Barry's suggestion to delete the preferences files would do the trick.

I don’t care if someone ends up modifying the document and so the work would not go down the drain; my sole aim would just be to make it easier to navigate around for the small group that I’d like to share it with. If you are able, I would be interested to hear the software required to do this in a.pdf if you know more (and I am assuming you mean more than something like Preview or Acrobat). I would also like to understand a little more what you mean by “a meticulous and painstaking amount of effort” were I to try this in word. I don’t mind a bit of work but not something like 10-hours or so just to put the mechanism in place. I am sorry if my request sounded naive, but it seemed to be a reasonable request when I can easily use Word to put hyperlinks, bookmarks and cross-references in that allow me to jump around within a document. Anyway, I appreciate any further help that you can provide; with sincere thanks, Nick.

Lesson 20: 5 Tips for Printing Word Documents /en/word-tips/using-the-format-painter-in-powerpoint-and-word/content/ 5 tips for printing Word documents If you've ever used Microsoft Word, there's a good chance you've needed to print a document. While Word's printing options are more advanced than some of the other programs in the Office suite, it can still be difficult to get printed documents to look exactly the way you want. That's why we've put together this list of tips.