
Paste this into the worksheets code module (right-click tab > View Code). You will also need to save the workbook as Macro Enabled (*.xlsm). Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range) Const filepath As String = 'C: Users au_rns_manager Pictures ' Application.EnableEvents = False If Target.Address = [A1].Address Then With Range('C5') Me.Shapes.AddPicture filepath & Target & '.jpg', msoFalse, msoCTrue,.Left,.Top,.Width,.Height End With End If Application.EnableEvents = True End Sub Select all. I have updated that bit of code with my actual locations and cell values but it is still not working. I verified there are images in my folder. I verified the image name matches the value being entered into cell G13.

But no image is appearing in cell A1 as expected. Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range) Const filepath As String = 'P: Sales_Dept Field_Sales_Info Training SalesProTraining Training Coordinator Onsite Visit Photos ' Application.EnableEvents = False If Target.Address = [G13].Address Then With Range('A1') Me.Shapes.AddPicture filepath & Target & '.jpg', msoFalse, msoCTrue,.Left,.Top,.Width,.Height End With End If Application.EnableEvents = True End Sub Select all. I'd be willing to bet you put the code in the wrong place.

Excel spreadsheets can help you automate the task of creating multiple folders. One way to generate folders is to create a script using data ranges and the batch command 'md.' Another method is by using a macro through the MkDir function, a component of Microsoft Excel VBA. Can you play fortnite on mac for free?. Hi all, I tried to create a folder structure per client based on an excel sheet that I receive per email and needs to be processed. In column B there is the BIN number and in Column D the client name.


If you put it in either ThisWorkbook code pane or a regular module sheet, it will not work. As instructed by Wayne Taylor, the code must go in the code pane for the worksheet being watched. If you change the value in cell G13, you will get a stack of pictures one on top of the other.

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To overcome this problem, you need to delete the picture that may originally be in that location. Finally, many people ask for code for one cell, but really need it for multiple cells.