
There are actually some configuration files around the Pj64 forums I believe for the nrage controller plugin or whatever is called ( it's been a while ). I particularly remember one for Golden Eye that would map the analog on the mouse and all the movements on the usual awsd Pc keys, allowing you to control it pretty much like a PC fps shooter.

For the rest, I would really recommend you to get a PC controller, even a generic dual stick would do it. Of course I've got that USB adapter for the real N64 controller as well, nothing beats that, but for a few bucks you should be able to get a decent controller. Using the num pad is not a good idea. I recommend using: Analog Stick Up - W Down - S Left - A Right - D C Buttons Up - I Down - K Left - J Right - L D-Pad Up - T Down - G Left - F Right - H A - O B - U Z - Space L - Q R - E Start - P You need to have each button be easily accessible without having to move any of your hands while still being comfortable. The only problem I see with Chaz's setup is that if you want to be able to access both the C buttons and A/B/Z/etc, you have to have your hand placed in a way that may not really be comfortable for everyone. My setup lets you access every button easily. Click to expand.NO.

N64 emulator keyboard controls mac proN64 Emulator Keyboard Controls Mac

I just got finished playing TWINE on N64 after struggling with a few issues, so I thought I would share some advice on running it. I used project64 v2.3 and managed to get some playable mouse and keyboard controls but I ended up using an xbox one controller.

Let's see.manually setting up all the buttons and manually calibrate the analog stick sesitivity and dead zones until they are suitable for a PC mouse.then change everything to go play DK64. The controller configurations are there for a reason, you load up a profile, and BAM, you are ready to go. Plus there is a whole section ( or there was ) dedicated to the controller plugins and config files. It's hardly ' haunting down '. It took me longer to type this for sure. Onenote for mac how to copy a notebook to another computer.