
By using the eyedropper tool, you can precisely match the colors of shapes and objects to other parts of your PowerPoint presentation, to give your slides a cohesive look. Select and apply a color with the eyedropper tool. Click the More Colors option to open the Colors box,. Adding a gradient background in PowerPoint 2011 for Mac Choose Fonts Click the top text on the default layout master slide where it says Click to edit Master title style.

I've been trying to figure this out at work and here is what I've learned. Some PCs are prone to see a faded image when others don't, so be sure to test on a number of PCs (try to find the weakest link). When a Mac user copies a PNG and paste it into his email signature or the body of an email, this error occurs.


I have to send out a company wide email signature, so here's what we do. Have a PC user draft the email signature, placing the actual JPEG images. When that email is sent out, a Mac user can copy and paste it and it should work. Download global project vpn for mac free. I had the same problem. I made a test mail with the image in the message and in the signature and the images in the signature had a different (wrong) color despite being all the same image file. I fixed it by deleting the the image in the signature and dragging a new one from the finder into the signature edit window. The other suggestions found online by editing the signature in Word and copy/paste it in the signature does not work, it only helps with adding styling to the text in your signature.

I find it weird that Outlook for Mac does not have a decent edit window for the signature like the PC version. Mac cannot open word documents. Had the same issue but the drag-n-drop solution didn't work for me. What eventually worked was to get to the signature settings through Outlook -> Preferences (⌘ +,) and then Signatures.

Previously, I was always getting there from the Signatures drop-down inside a New Email window. Copy/pasting in the former resulted in perfect PNG rendering on emails sent to PCs when the same operation on the latter would result in a washed out image. I don't know what difference this can possibly make but it did it for me!

I'm running Outlook 2016 (v15.21.1 build 160411).

Once you insert a SmartArt graphic within PowerPoint 2011, you might realize that the colors of the individual shapes comprising the SmartArt graphic are not exactly what you wanted — and while it is possible to change colors of individual shapes within the SmartArt graphic, PowerPoint lets you change the colors of everything within the SmartArt graphic at one go — not only does this save your time, but also ensures that the different colors chosen are coordinated to look good together.