
Being able to work comfortably on Web-related code elements -- HTML, CSS, and JavaScript -- has become an increasingly important skill for all kinds of software development projects. Web apps, obviously, benefit from a huge selection of tools, frameworks, and extensions. Several cross-platform mobile application frameworks are using HTML for UI design, and even desktop apps can benefit from this technology. Not just web-view apps, but actual local-run application user interfaces built with HTML and CSS. A nice thing about HTML5 and CSS3 is that they have remained relatively stable and consistent. It's true that more recent browser implementations have changed some of the details of how specific tags or features work, but that means a healthy marketplace of tools and templates to help you out and an equally healthy library of community knowledge and solutions to get you quickly from vague app idea to successfully shipped product.

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Let's take a look at what's on offer out there. Desktop Apps is an open-source framework for building cross-platform desktop apps with JavaScript, HTML, and CSS. Under the covers it uses the open-source Chromium browser technology and Node.js to build Linux, Mac, and Windows-based applications from a single Web technology code base. Some pretty significant apps based on Electron include GitHub's code editor and the desktop apps.

It's a pretty impressive project with decent documentation and an extensive community of resources, packages, and tools. [Click on image for larger view.] Figure 1: GitHub's Atom Code Editor is Built with Electron. Like the idea, but prefer a different technology stack?

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Is an Electron-derived tool set for writing HTML5-based applications using the.NET Framework, Chromium, and ASP.NET MVC 6. The idea is that you can build an HTML UI on top of existing.NET Framework-based code. Positron provides in-process middleware between your ASP.NET MVC application layer and the Chromium UI layer, hosting the browser in a WPF window. You can leverage Positron to provide an HTML UI layer for existing WPF apps, and even use WinForms as the parent window as well. Positron is released under an Apache 2.0 license.

Another option is library, which provides HTML UI with bindings to the Vue.js and Knockout.js libraries on top of your WPF MVVM application code base via and a Chromium embedded browser. Neutronium provides a solution template and Vue.js templates to get you started, and lets you reuse your existing WPF ViewModel in the Chromium view engine via HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. It's also compatible with MVVM libraries such as and for iOS, Android, Windows Phone, Universal Windows Platform (UWP), and more. Is yet another offering in the periodic table of HTML UI engines C++ or.NET Framework desktop applications, with wrappers for Mono and Unity3D applications as well. Free licenses are available for small-revenue teams, educational, or non-commercial apps, and paid licenses are available on a per-application basis. Documentation appears to be a work in progress but there are excellent tutorials to get you started. Provides an embeddable, GPU accelerated UI engine for HTML, CSS, and JavaScript interface development in applications written in Delphi, D, Go, C# and.NET Framework apps in general, Python, and Rust.

There's a free license offering for just the basics (just the Sciter binary and no support) and paid license tiers for additional platform and code access. And at the very lowest level of support between your code and a Chromium browser interface you might take a look at, a.NET Framework and Mono binding for the Chromium Embedded Framework (CEF), and, a wrapper providing WPF and Windows Forms bindings for CEF, supporting C#, Visual Basic, or any other CLR language. Both are MIT/BSD licensed for your coding pleasure. Web Apps Developing web applications -- what we used to call 'web sites' in ye olde dayes -- is a lot easier today with the help of tools and frameworks that eliminate a lot of the drudge work and provide sophisticated user interface and interaction features right out of the box. Telerik's is a jQuery-based component package and development framework that lets you build modern web applications quickly and easily. Responsive design is baked in, so you don't have to worry about scaling your site from big desktop displays to small mobile devices. Kendo UI includes over 70 UI components you can just drop into any application, dozens of preconfigured, customizable themes, works seamlessly with layout frameworks such as Bootstrap and Zurb, and has built-in support for Angular 1.x declarative data binding, routing, form validation, and more.