
About two years ago, I begrudgingly opened Visual Studio Code (VS Code) for the first time. Download jdk 8 for mac os high sierra. The only reason I even did so is that I was working on a TypeScript project (also quite begrudgingly) and I was tired of fighting with the editor and the compiler and all of the settings that I needed to make a TypeScript project work.

[!NOTE] This topic applies only to Visual Studio on Windows. Visual Studio for Mac does not currently support word wrap. To set word wrap preferences. On the Tools menu, select Options. In the Text Editor folder, choose the General options in the All Languages subfolder to set this option globally.

Someone mentioned to me that TypeScript “just works” in VS Code and I was pleasantly surprised to find that they were right. I expected that though. VS Code is from Microsoft, so it’s entirely expected that TypeScript would just work. What I did not expect was that virtually anything that I needed to do in VS Code “just worked” too. And I do mean anything.

While this article focuses primarily on features for the web as well as JavaScript developers, VS Code has integrations with Go, Python, Java, and Ruby — just to name a few. Over the next few months, I began to discover things in VS Code that I found remarkable.

I made the official switch to VS Code, and I haven’t looked back since. Over the months I’ve been compiling a list of my favorite tips, tricks, and extensions for VS Code that might leave you with the same reaction that I had and continue to have: “VS Code can do that?!” 😲.

In November, we announced, a fully featured IDE that we hope will help every Mac developer create mobile and cloud applications. We started with a solid foundation for mobile development using Xamarin, and cloud development using.NET Core. Over the past few months we have been working on porting C# code that was originally designed to work on Windows to the Mac. Luckily for us, the architecture of Visual Studio is so good that reusing the code has been a breeze. This has been helped by both the love and dedication that our Mac and Windows teams have, to create a great developer experience for our users.

Mirror screen for presentation but select windows machine. Here are some of the changes that we have made since then. Web Editing In the latest release, we have completed the work to bring the rich HTML, CSS and JSON editors to macOS.

You will get the same code completion, indentation behavior, and validation that you get on Windows for those file formats. When you install the update today, you will get to enjoy the glory of an IDE with a state-of-the-art web editor.NET Core We have polished and improved our.NET Core and ASP.NET Core support to make it even simpler to create your server code, either for your standalone web sites, or as a service backend for your mobile applications or your hosted services. We have upgraded our debugger to make async debugging as natural and simple as regular code – just like you expect from Visual Studio on Windows. Azure Publish To complement our improved.NET Core support, you can now publish your applications directly to Azure from within Visual Studio for Mac. Using the same publishing profiles and commands that you are used to. C# 7 We also introduced support for C# 7.0, a big upgrade with many language improvements that you will love. The support is what you expect from Visual Studio with refactoring tools, live code checking and great IntelliSense.


It is hard to pick favorite features in C# 7. I love pattern matching and I love the new native tuple support. Local functions, while not immediately obvious, has made some of my own code simpler and cleaner. Support for the latest Apple and Google platforms As you have come to expect from us, we deliver first-class support for the latest versions of Apple and Google operating systems – including the just updated versions of macOS, iOS, tvOS and watchOS. Additionally, we are taking away some of the complexity involved in managing the signing certificates and provisioning profiles for your Apple-based applications, by integrating with the popular open source Fastlane project.