
Zhelan-gen2 You do not need to attach it.

Here are the settings you are required to change to get high quality local recordings (using the x264 encoder). Do not attempt to use these settings for live streaming! Encoding Use CBR: Disabled Quality Balance: 10 Bitrate: 1000 Use custom buffer size: Enabled Buffer size: 0 Advanced Options x264 CPU Preset: Ultrafast Use custom x264 parameters: Enabled Custom x264 parameters: crf= X Where X is anywhere from 1-20, lower being higher quality / higher CPU usage. A good place to start is the 15 - 20 range.


How To Record Guitar on a PC computer, Laptop, iPad or Mac. If you have a Mac or are recording on iPad. Plump for the one that suits your budget and current lifestyle best and then move on to getting it set up and get making some music! Hope that helps. Podcast Recording Software For macOS GarageBand. GarageBand is a free DAW (digital audio workstation) if you have a Mac. This is a great choice for first-time and even experienced podcasters. You can easily create separate tracks for music, intros and outros, ad spots, and more.

A CRF of 0 enables lossless recording which will have very high file size and CPU requirements and introduces compatibility issues, so be careful! Explanation: Setting the buffer size to zero disables the VBV system, allowing x264 to hit any bitrate necessary to achieve the quality (CRF) specified. If you wish to increase quality further, you need to use advanced options - quality 10 is equal to a CRF of 22, which is fine for live streams but not so good for local recording. For compatibility with various editing software, it's also recommended to enable CFR (advanced options) and do not use CRF 0. CRF 0 uses 'High 444' mode which a lot of editing software (and some video players) cannot handle. For best results, set your output file format in broadcast settings to FLV.

You can convert it to MP4 afterwards if you need to. Recording directly to MP4 is very risky, as if OBS or your PC crashes, the whole recording is useless. FLV on the other hand will keep everything up until the crash. If you use QuickSync, NVenc or AMD VCE as your encoder, these settings will not work. With ur help I have made a version for me and hopefully too all of you who got the problem of blackscreen because off Custom x264 Encoder Settings in advanced, it might only be me cause of my 5 years old computer but if not, here u go! Thank you so much man:) This is mostly for youtubers but read all () if you are a streamer - hope this is a good setup for you like it is for me!

Hey R1ch, I just built my new PC in December and I'm looking to make some higher quality videos and I've been tweaking the settings with OBS for a bit now with little luck. The first part of The Evil Within I recorded looked somewhat choppy and kept getting pixelated.


That being said, I stumble across this post and this was probably the best thing I've ever found because my quality improved tenfold by using the aforementioned settings! Thank you so much for sharing friend, you are amazing! =) Time to slaughter some games in high quality!