
The blue dot (tab has changed or has a notification) is triggered when a tab title change is made. However, during session restore many tabs are created and loaded in the background and observe an immediate tab title change. This leads to all tabs having blue dots, asking users to visit those tabs in order to clear them. In an effort to reduce false positives the first tab title change of a site that is opened in background and still in the background should be ignored for the purposes of the blue dot notification. (Offline discussion with sky@, avi@ and ainslie@ and hwi@ came to agreement on this.). Processing As the reporter of, I have to say this is disappointing.

Fixing the restored tab issue should be simple(ish) so that shouldn't be used as a justification for killing a feature - there are other reasons though, of course. I have dozens of pinned tabs on twitter and various forums and I am very reliant on the tab notification.

How to Save Passwords on Chrome on PC or Mac. This wikiHow teaches you how to save passwords on Google Chrome for PC and Mac. And red icon with the blue dot in.


Without it I have to cycle through 20 tabs just to see if there's been any activity. I end up doing that every 20 minutes if I'm in a heavy reading mode. It's gone from being a superb way to follow those sites to a nightmare. Yes, I know I could probably look at combined feeds or somesuch but I detest that way to ready these sites. Text animation powerpoint for mac. OTOH I readily acknowledge that this is a somewhat dubious 'feature' because it's behaviour is not well defined or controlled - it may work for some sites, or it may be useless for others. I'm just gonna throw it out there, maybe this could be a per-site setting.

Quicken for mac support chat. I know the settings police will instantly reject that, but for some sites/users it's worth it's weight in gold. For me, I'll consider moving to Firefox, but I really don't want to, so I'll search for other options too.