
Running via Run ⇢ Run 'app' in Android Studio. Output from the 'app' tab: Waiting for device. /usr/local/android-sdk-macosx/tools/emulator -avd Nexus_5_API_21_x86 -netspeed full -netdelay none Device connected: emulator-5554 Device Nexus_5_API_21_x86 [emulator-5554] is online, waiting for processes to start up.

Device Nexus_5_API_21_x86 [emulator-5554] is online, waiting for processes to start up. Device Nexus_5_API_21_x86 [emulator-5554] is online, waiting for processes to start up. Device is ready: Nexus_5_API_21_x86 [emulator-5554] Target device: Nexus_5_API_21_x86 [emulator-5554] Uploading file local path: /Users/john/Development/mapbox-gl-native/android/java/app/build/outputs/apk/app-debug.apk remote path: /data/local/tmp/com.mapbox.mapboxgl.app Installing com.mapbox.mapboxgl.app DEVICE SHELL COMMAND: pm install -r '/data/local/tmp/com.mapbox.mapboxgl.app' pkg: /data/local/tmp/com.mapbox.mapboxgl.app Failure [INSTALL_FAILED_NO_MATCHING_ABIS] Emulator shows the lock screen, no sign of an app in the home screen. To get past this here's what I did: • Open 'Android SDK Manager' via Android Studio ⇢ Tools ⇢ Android ⇢ SDK Manager. • For some reason it opens with a bunch of stuff preselected. Click 'Deselect All'. • Select 'ARM EABI v7a System Image' under 'Android 5.0 (API 21)'.

Click 'Install packages.' , accept the license agreement, etc. • Back to Android Studio ⇢ Tools ⇢ Android ⇢ AVD Manager. • Edit the existing device (tiny pencil icon). • Click the 'Change.' Button here: • Select the 'armeabi-v7a' image, click 'Next', click 'Finished'. Word for mac autosave off.

• Run ⇢ Run 'app'.


Creating an emulator is not the same as launching the emulator. Please see the Launching the emulator documentation. Dolphin emulator games. When the Start Emulator dialog first appears and is empty, either wait a bit or click the Refresh images link (and then wait some more -- a few seconds). When an entry appears under the Available images section, select a name and click OK.