
On Mac OS X, the new native Docker container technology is making use of the Apple Hypervisor Framework. Going half a level deeper, Docker is using the open-source Xhyve project that is part of. Apr 2, 2018 - Please, check Issues without logs and details cannot be debugged, and will be closed.

I want to get rid of huge container log files on my docker env. I have problem finding them when running native Docker on a Mac. I am not using docker-machine (virtualbox) thing. My docker version is 1.13.1. How to get iphone access mac adress on pc for my iphone. When I do docker inspect I see there is 'LogPath': '/var/lib/docker/containers//-json.log But there is not even directory /var/lib/docker on my mac (host). I have also looked in ~/Library/Containers/com.docker.docker/ but didn't find any container specific loggings there.

I could use tail, but it is not that convenient always to me. So the question is, how can I clear the log files of my containers on my native Docker Mac environment.

Docker for mac networking

Docker-java transitively depends on an older version of junixsocket. An updated release of should show up in Maven Central, soon. Since you're not actually using unix-socket-factory anymore you could also consider to replace the unix-socket-factory dependency with the ones below (Gradle notation). AFAIK this should be a drop in replacement, but beware that it will also pull log4j into your dependencies. Compile 'com.kohlschutter.junixsocket:junixsocket-common:2.0.4' compile 'com.kohlschutter.junixsocket:junixsocket-native-common:2.0.4'. Please note the slight difference between the unix addresses: we have unix:///var/run/docker.sock for docker-machine or boot2docker setups, while Docker for Mac/Windows uses unix:///var/tmp/docker.sock. I'm not sure about the DOCKER_OPTS variable - the official name would be DOCKER_HOST.

Is that a docker-java specific option? ( ) I'm also not sure about the status 500 - it could mean more or less anything, but I wouldn't expect it to be a bug. We might infer that you had a connection to the Docker engine, though. For testing basic correctness, I wouldn't try to start a container, but request the /_ping, /info or /version endpoints.

Thanks for that pointer this might explain why my tests failed regarding DOCKER OPTS I followed the readme For testing basic correctness, I wouldn't try to start a container, but request the /_ping, /info or /version endpoints. I haven't had the time to dig deeper into this, I just wanted to make a sanity check on whether my test suite would work without docker machine. The test suite uses testcontainers to start a container. I only pasted the log of the container start failing, there are many others before. When my project stops being such a mess, I'll look into this deeper (unless someone beats me to it). Regarding DOCKER_OPTS, I think I see what you mean, this would alter the way the docker daemon works. I don't think it is desirable in this case.