
This (very simple) page is the home for Fuse for macOS - a port of the UNIX ZX Spectrum emulator Fuse to macOS. The intention is that the emulator will be. OpenEmu is about to change the world of video game emulation. One console at a time. For the first time, the 'It just works' philosophy now extends to open source video game emulation on the Mac.

Sorry, I'm more of a PC guy with some minor Mac knowledge - and an interest in learning more. I generally feel, for myself anyway, that you're just not going to get to learning it as long as you have a PC around. Thus, you need to switch yourself completely over - at least on a notebook. I've picked up a fair amount of linux knowledge, but I know I could be MUCH better if I had a notebook that JUST ran LINUX and I used that exclusively at work and when I travel. Honestly, my suggestion would be - for learning purposes - pick up a cheap, used Mac Notebook on ebay. Since I need my XP laptop for daily work, I figure having OS X on my laptop is the best way to learn it. A separate machine will not work since I don't think I'll ever turn it on and replacing my XP laptop is not a good idea since I can't take off work a couple of days just to learn OS X.

I hope others have better solutions but if not I will give you half of the points because you don't know much about the solution you have given therefore I will have to spend time trying it out myself. Hope you're ok with that. I went to CherryOS's website then sent them an email to see if they have an verions of their emulator product that is compatible with OS X. Below is how they answer me.Needless to say I don't recommend CherryOS. My original email is on the bottom. ========================== ========== ========== ========== ========== ====== Your email is completely inaccurate and demonstrates a complete and utter lack of knowledge concerning, well, anything!

Ds emulator for mac

I am truly amazed that you were able to type in three sentences by yourself without hurting yourself. You must be thanking your parents for at least giving you short names to spell. Our web site has neither Mac OS 8.1 nor Mac OS 9. To offer them on a web site would be illegal.

Select the range of cells you want to format with alternat row shading. Click the Conditional Formatting button on the Home menu; Then, click the option you want from the drop down list. In our case, we are skipping the presets (the first five options) and setting up a New Rule. Note that you can also choose Conditional Formatting from the Format menu. Select the range of cells you wish to format using alternating shades for the rows. Note: Cells can be empty or contain data. Also if you include a heading row, Excel will automatically detect and set it as the heading row. The ROW() function returns the row number. For example, for the seventh row, MOD(7,2) equals 1. 7 is divided by 2 (3 times) to give a remainder of 1. For the eight row, MOD(8,2) equals 0. 8 is divided by 2 (exactly 4 times) to give a remainder of 0. This article shows you how to automatically apply shading to every other row in a worksheet. You can apply the shading by using a simple conditional formatting formula. Alternatively, you can apply a predefined Excel table style to your data. Technique 1: Apply shading to alternate rows by using conditional formatting. One way to apply shading to alternate rows in your worksheet is by creating a conditional formatting rule. With the Alternate Row / Column Shading utility of the third party add-in Kutools for Excel, you can shade alternate rows or columns quickly and conveniently. Kutools for Excel: with more than 300 handy Excel add-ins, free to try with no limitation in 60 days. Select the range that you want to shade. Click Kutools > Format > Alternate Row/ Column Shading. See screenshot: 2. How to make every other row shaded in excel.

Mac OS 8 and Mac OS 9 are commercial operating systems that you purchase on CD-ROM from an Apple dealer, or that you get from us in the mail. You don't get them from a web site. What our site _does_ have are tools and utilities to read Apple Macintosh disks on a PC, and to emulate Apple Macintosh computers on MS-DOS and Windows.

Our company develops and distributes these emulators to allow longtime Mac users, schools, and businesses using Macintosh computers to migrate from Mac OS to Windows by allowing them to run their classic Macintosh operating systems (such as Mac OS 8) and classic Macintosh applications (such as ClarisWorks, MacWrite, MacPaint, etc.) on brand new PCs such as Dell workstations, Dell notebooks, Sony VAIO notebooks (as pictured on our web site), etc. Now, you're asking about 'Mac OS X', which as you know, or at least should know, has nothing to do with classic Macintosh computers or with Mac OS. 4 years ago Apple essentially threw away its product line of the past 20 years and its operating system of the past 20 years and started fresh with IBM based PCs running Unix. That's what a 'Mac' running 'Mac OS X' is today - an IBM box running good old 30 year old Unix.

No thanks, our web site deals with the real Macs, real Mac OS, and real Mac applications that people have used for the past 20 years. If you just want to run Unix on an IBM box, (boring!!!) you certainly don't need a Mac emulator for that.

Buy a PC and install any of dozens of Unix/Linux releases available today. Wasn't Unix popular when television was still black and white? By the way, Apple and anyone refers to the Macintosh as a 'Mac', not a 'MAC'. The term 'MAC' is an entirely different technical term used with regards to networking hardware. Please, if you can't even spell something correctly, don't waste your time trying to discuss it. I'm sorry, I have to stop now.


I am so grossly disgusted by your email I can't continue. Please refrain from hurling your further stupidity my way again.