
Course Transcript - [Voiceover] Hi I'm Dennis Taylor, and welcome to Excel for Mac 2016: Charts and Depth. Creating charts is one of Excel's most powerful yet easy to use features.

Sunburst Charts are one of the many new Charts available only in Excel 2016. They are very visual as it can easily show you hierarchical data, like having a table with different levels of categorization: Each hierarchy is drawn by one ring in the sunburst chart. The innermost ring represents the top hierarchy, while the outermost ring represents the last hierarchy. In this example I show you how easy it is to insert a Sunburst Chart using Excel 2016.

To upgrade to Excel 2016 you can use this link here. STEP 1:Highlight your table and go to Insert > Recommended Charts STEP 2: Select All Charts > Sunburst > OK STEP 3: Now you have your Sunburst Chart. STEP 4: You can further customize the look and feel of your Sunburst Chart, by going to Chart Tools > Design / Format STEP 5: In our example, let us go to Chart Tools > Design and pick one of the alternate designs. Now you have your beautiful looking Sunburst chart and you can quickly point out to your management where the biggest slice of the pie would be on.

Here is a chart (of the temperatures of various parts of a solar water heater system I am working on, since you ask 🙂). The data is sampled every 5 minutes. I have set the x-axis labels to one label for every 6 entries (every half an hour). As you can see, at present it is unclear where the label corresponds to on the chart. I would like to add some gridlines. However, I can only get it to add a gridline for every single entry, not just every half hour as I would like. Which is just as useless as not having the gridlines in the first place.

Adding major tickmarks has a similar effect - each label could correspond to any one of 6 different tickmarks. Anyone know how/if I can do this? Thanks very much, Jo EDIT: Oh, and I'm using Numbers '09 version 2.0.5 if that helps. Message was edited by: Josephiah. Thanks for your reply Yvan, but that's not quite what I'm after. I would like fewer gridlines, not more. In my axis options menu I only have one option: 'Show gridlines', which inserts a gridline for every data entry.


Is there any way of doing this on the line chart? It looks like you are using a scatter chart, which does allow you to put the lines in more sensible places.

However, the scatter chart has some serious issues of its own which stop this from being a good option: 1. I was having a lot of trouble getting it to include the right columns of data in the chart, with some of the columns I had selected simply not appearing in the chart. I eventually tracked this down to the fact that it doesn't like using data from the header column.

Copying the exact same data to a non-header column made it work fine. Why on earth should that make a difference? I can't format the line styles on the chart, only the symbol styles. With the 'Data Symbol' set to 'none' and 'Connect Point' set to 'straight', whatever I set the line style to, the lines remain resolutely 1-point solid lines of the default colour. Now it won't let me label more than 10 points. I'm used to Apple products being fairly intuitive, but the more I use Numbers, the more unintuitive, illogical and inconsistent I find it to be. Josephiah wrote (in separate messages): 0.

I can only get it to add a gridline for every single entry, not just every half hour as I would like. Best free parental control software for mac. I eventually tracked this down to the fact that it doesn't like using data from the header column. Copying the exact same data to a non-header column made it work fine.

Why on earth should that make a difference? I can't format the line styles on the chart, only the symbol styles. With the 'Data Symbol' set to 'none' and 'Connect Point' set to 'straight', whatever I set the line style to, the lines remain resolutely 1-point solid lines of the default colour. Now it won't let me label more than 10 points. Add the gridlines and ticks 'manually' using a Line shape with an end mark. Here's an example, using the image of your chart posted above. In practice, you would deselect the 'show gridlines' option in the Chart Inspector after placing the lines.

Downside: The gridlines are not attached to the chart. New ones will not be added automatically if further data points are added and the chart grows horizontally, nor will they move to maintain their position on the chart if the chart is resized. Header row and Header column cells are different from 'regular' cells in Numbers. Bar charts, column charts and other 'Category' charts use the contents of header cells to name each Series of values and to name each Category of data to be shown.

If you select a Category chart, you'll see something like this on the Table feeding data to the chart: The blue outline (and blue shading) mark the Data series that is feeding the chary. The white lettering on black background areas mark the Category names (Header column at the left) and Series name (Header row above the series data). A Scatter Chart has no Categories. Each axis is a Value axis. Selecting a Scatter Chart shows a different diagram imposed on the Table feeding data to the chart: Each point on the chart is determined by a Data Pair - an x value (shared in this case, and contained in column B) and a y value. Only the Header Row is used to provide labels for each series.