
If you look closely at these Print Preview images, page 1 is fine - you can see the column labels (with the fiscal quarter designations at the top) and the row labels (with the category names) on the left. But then page 2 is missing the column labels, and if you look at page 4, none of that is carried over that far into the printout. So, unless you're planning on taping together your spreadsheet into one big piece of paper, you're going to have a hard time figuring out which numbers go with each quarter/category. Tcic data entry form for protective orders. As you can see from above, you can adjust the placement of the headers and footers and the page margins on the Margins tab, and control the orientation (portrait versus landscape) and the page size (letter, legal, ledger, A4, etc.) on the Page tab.

You can even scale the spreadsheet up or down by a set percentage, or force the spreadsheet to print on a particular configuration of pages across/down (if you want everything to fit on one page, you'd choose 1 page(s) wide by 1 page(s) tall, for example). Best hard drive cloning software for mac. One more thing: if printing gridlines on your sheet would help improve readability (you know, borders around each cell to make following rows/columns easier), go back to the Sheet tab and check the Gridlines box.

One more trick on printing Excel spreadsheets – sometimes there is too much data to be contained reading across so it cuts off rows and puts them on the next page. You can fix this with the scaling feature in page setup, but a quick fix is to select Fit To and put a really large number (like 999) in the second box. It will automatically scale to keep the data going across on the same page. You may need to change your paper size and orientation to keep it readable, but at least it won’t spill over onto the next page. I have to submit my thesis with appendices as one single pdf. My appendices are all big (though not huge) spreadsheets, which also need to be fronted by cover pages (eg.

There is no way to create custom paper sizes in Excel, however you can create custom paper sizes on many printers. Under Page Setup, click the Options button. Under Page Setup, click the Options button. Selecting a paper size. In most cases, you’ll use the standard 8.5-x-11-inch letter size paper to print your worksheets. However, if you find that you need to print on 8.5-x-14-inch legal paper size, an envelope, or another paper size, you must tell Excel which size paper you want to use.

Blank page with Appendix A on it). When I try to copy the spreadsheets (formatted nicely for printing) into word, using different paste options, the formatting, such as the row headings on multi-page sheets, don’t stay, and the column widths also shift, which results in a lot of messing around trying to get them to look good again, insert rows with row headings, and then the whole thing’s messed up again. I just found this on mrexcel.com, but not sure how to do this or what a macro is. Plus, since it was a post from 2004 it may or may not be relevant. Can you help??? I really need to be able to convert these documents on my laptop to Tabloid size layout and Print Preview them as such. “I ran into this before, with a client who only wanted that size paper, which in VBA code is referred to as xlPaper11x17 or xlPaperTabloid.