Mac As Server For Recording Studio

Hi All, We are small audio postproduction facility with 4 Pro Tools 12 HD stations. We often work on a same project in these different stations, and copying sessions whenever we need to move in another studio is a pain, as managing the different versions in all these studios. So i think about setting up a centralized storage. Dedicated solutions to ProTools (such as SNS) are too much expensive for us, even more if we want to 'duplicate' the hardware to have a spare solution in case of hardware issue. So I am looking at NAS solutions, as Synology, but I have not find many user experience feedback that would confirm that this solution is reliable.

SQL Server Management Studio for Mac. OK, yes, restore, but I can't find in SQL OS where to start a restore on a database I'm connected to. Forums > Sound. Mac OS X Server & Pro Tools. Audio-Technica AT5047: The New AT5047 Premier Studio Microphone Purity Transformed. Frankb3 Guest.

My idea is to have a big NAS (Synology high-end) dedicated to Protools, a NAS dedicated to video, and others NAS dedicated to backup and archiving. If someone is already using this type of installation successfully, I would be pleased to know!

Are you on Mac or PC? If on Mac, which type of computers are you using? I have been working in a two-Mac Pro setup in my studio (three, when the laptop gets connected, four, when a client plugins as well) and I can share this regarding cheap shared storage: • If possible all the computers to log in with the same login. Saves a lot of potential issues with permissions. • I am on the Cheesegrater Mac Pros and I'm using external eSATA RAID.

This seems to give the faster throughput. Word grammar and spelling add on for mac. • Set the drive to ignore user permissions. • Share this drive through the Sharing-> File Sharing in System Preferernces This has worked perfectly for me since PT8HD days. It goes without saying that it pays off been on a separate gigabit network, than the rest of the kit (Eucon/ ICON surfaces, internet connectivity), to the point that I am considering a 3rd Ethernet port via a PCIe card. As I cannot afford a newer Thunderbolt equipped Mac Pro, I am thinking of putting in use an older 2.1 Mac, with a RAID card and 4 x 4Tb drives to act as a storage server.

I hope this helps at all. Are you on Mac or PC?

If on Mac, which type of computers are you using? As I cannot afford a newer Thunderbolt equipped Mac Pro, I am thinking of putting in use an older 2.1 Mac, with a RAID card and 4 x 4Tb drives to act as a storage server.

We are on mac, too. In fact, we often share sessions from one mac to another, when we don't have time make a copy. It works fine, but if a computer have to reboot or crash, it will crash the other station too. And it would better to centralize the sessions. You suggest to dedicate a mac to act as storage server, so like a NAS. I don't get why it would be more reliable than a Linux NAS like synology (file system?). But other advices suggest I should avoid this kind of solutions, thanks for feedbacks!