
Dear Adam, I got the same issue. My office is in TH and have clients in many country. My exchange server version is 2010SP2 and on client after update version outlook for mac to 15.30, it con't connect to exchange server also new update 15.31 still same problem. Sep 02, 2015  Office 365 Commercial customers can get the new Outlook for Mac by accessing their Office 365 Portal, (Gear icon > Office 365 Settings > Software > Outlook for Mac icon) or visiting the Software page Office 365 consumer subscribers can get the new Outlook for Mac.

Advantages: DejaOffice is a landing pad for PC Outlook data on Android and iPhone. Contacts, Calendar, Tasks, Memos, Attachments. Supports multiple devices and multiple PC's easily. After the initial sync, sync time is instant and automatic. Disadvantages: DejaCloud is a subscription service. Your purchase covers the first year, and after the first year it costs roughly $5 per month Steps: • Install CompanionLink on your Mac • Install DejaOffice on your devices • Set DejaCloud sync, Real Time sync Setup Guides:. Advantages: Your PC Syncs to DejaCloud, DejaCloud connects to Google, and Google Syncs to your phone.

This is a great choice if you require your Outlook for Mac data in Google Calendar and Contacts for other reasons. CompanionLink for Google sync can be set automatically and will run in background on your PC. Disadvantages: Uses DejaCloud as a hub. Direct Google Sync will be available in Winter 2016. Google Tasks do not go to many Android Phones, although Samsung is now supporting them.

Steps: • Install CompanionLink on your PC • Set Google Sync • Set Auto-Sync, Timed or Manual Sync Setup Guides.

The latest surprise release of is largely what you'd hope to get in an Outlook refresh: At long last, a version that looks and works almost identically to the Windows version. This is great news if you live exclusively in an Exchange environment, but you may want to mute your celebration if you also deal with other calendars and contact lists created elsewhere. Outlook and the Mac have a long and ugly history.

For many years, there were, at best, rudimentary and semi-functional Mac versions of Outlook, which created a self-fulfilling cycle that the Mac was not ready for or worthy of use in the enterprise. Various versions of Outlook Express and something called Entourage performed some or most of Outlook's functions through the early 2000's. [ Further reading: ] But those substitutes had no actual code from the baseline Microsoft Office suite, of which Outlook is a part, and the user interface was different enough from Outlook to create problems for support and IT departments.

It didn't help that Entourage never quite reached parity with Outlook as an Exchange client. It wasn't until late 2010, with the release of Office Mac 2011 (the most recent version to date) that Entourage was buried and a full version of Outlook for Mac was released.

But even then, the user experience was different from -- and less capable than -- the Windows version. How to prevent word for mac from opening all recent documents on startup computer. In fact, it was dissimilar enough that moving from one platform to another was frustrating.

Last month, screenshots started to leak out of Outlook for Mac 15.3, part of an anticipated new version of Office slated for next year. Surprisingly, Microsoft released a no-extra-charge Mac version shortly thereafter through its.

Outlook For Mac 15.39 170919

Parity with Windows -- sort of The big news is that, at long last, Outlook for Mac has more or less reached parity with Outlook for Windows. Rather than worrying about making things 'Mac-like,' Microsoft's designers have become confident enough to build out their own design language across platforms. The interface is cleaned up and icons are simplified. Outlook for Mac looks and works like the same Outlook you'll see anywhere. The Ribbon interface is cleaned up in Outlook 15.3 and mirrors the Windows version. Unread messages are clearly denoted by a blue bar to the left of the message abstract -- much easier to see than the bolding that marked unread messages in the previous version. [ ] Dan Rosenbaum The toolbar and ribbon for Outlook 2011 (top) featured textured and shadowed icons that attempted to be “Mac-like” but became dated with frequent OS updates. Outlook 11.5’s ribbon (bottom) relies on Microsoft’s own design language.

The icons are cleaner and the lettering smaller, reflecting Office’s interface across all platforms. Links to the various pieces of Outlook -- mail, calendar, contacts, tasks and notes -- have been moved from the left column under the mailboxes to the bottom margin of the window. They used to be easy to miss, especially if you had many accounts and many folders. Now, they've got a prominent place of their own. A nice touch: In Calendar view, there's a new Weather Bar on the right side of the screen, above the calendar.