Visual studio code for mac replace all occurrences of a character list

Hi, I need to replace specific high-order characters in a string. I am using string.Replace, which works fine for normal, low order characters. For example, the following lines of code replace all instances of the letter 'e' with 'y': char c = ' u0065'; // 'e' strText = strText.Replace(c, 'y' ); However, when trying to replace the fancy apostrophe that Word inserts into documents with the letter 'y', the following does not work: char c = ' u0092'; // apostrophe strText = strText.Replace(c, 'y' ); I have verified that the string in question does in fact contain a x'92' character, and the debugger indicates that the char c is x'92' or decimal 146, but nothing gets replaced. What am I missing here?

Dan Dan Hurwitz.

Visual Studio Code Tips and Tricks. Line[:character]> code --goto package.json: 10: 5 # see help options code --help # disable all extensions code --disable-extensions. You can add additional cursors to all occurrences of the current selection with ⇧⌘L (Windows, Linux Ctrl+Shift+L). May 31, 2018 - Visual Studio Code, VSCode for friends, is an incredibly powerful. As its base, which enables it to be cross platform and work on Mac. Substrings), and to use a regular expression for the search string. To perform the search, press enter. Clicking the ▷ symbol on the left enables the search and replace. Unresponsive formatting button in ribbon word for mac.