
Repro test case for Visual Studio for Mac bug Summary This is a very severe and easily reproducible bug in Visual Studio for Mac Version 7.1 Preview (7.1 build 1178). It resulted in VS for Mac reformatting hundreds of source code files on disk without asking. We have an existing PCL project, and I wanted to create a.NET Standard project alongside it.

Aug 20, 2018  This post was originally published at Visual Studio for Mac version 7.6. Today we are announcing the release of Visual Studio for Mac version 7.6.Our focus with this release has been to improve product reliability in various areas, with a special focus on the code editing experience.

When the.NET Standard project was added to the same directory as the PCL project, all files (not just source code) were included in the.NET Standard project. This is not itself much off a problem, except that the process of adding these files to the project appears to open, reformat, and rewrite to disk every single file. There are two core issues here: • none of our source code should be opened and reformatted at all during the project creation process; this is just bad dangerous behavior, and also drastically slows down the project creation operation • The new project is following the default code formatting policy, and not the policy set on the solution, which in our case, is 'Mono' Repro Steps • Create a new 'Portable' library project and solution. Name the solution 'PortableAndNetStandard' and the project 'Portable'. • Configure the solution's C# formatting policy to be 'Mono' (e.g. 8-width tabs instead of 4-space 'tabs'). • Reformat 'MyClass.cs' ( Edit → Format → Format Document) so that it follows the 'Mono' policy.

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• Add some more C# files to the project and notice they are in the 'Mono' format. • Commit everything so far to a fresh git repository. • Create a new.NET Standard Library project (targeting 2.0 in my case) in the solution and name the project 'NetStandard'. The project creation wizard will note that the directory still exists, which is okay (and desired), so continue by answering 'Yes'.

• Note that the 'NetStandard' project now includes all files in the directory structure already (e.g. From the creation of our 'Portable' project). • The bugs: note that all of the source code has been reformatted using the default policy (not the 'Mono' one configured for the solution). Analysis Read each commit in this repository to see the effect of the bug on existing projects. The addition of a new.NET Standard project to an existing solution and directory structure already populated with code results in the rewriting of every file. Visual Studio should: • not open and rewrite any existing files when creating a new project, ever • should always apply the solution level policy when formatting at the appropriate time (e.g. When requested by the user).

The newest release of Visual Studio for Mac, Version 7.6, is now available, featuring performance updates, bug fixes and new features that will give users more tools to complete their work. Announced Aug. 20 in a post by Dominic Nahous, senior product manager for Visual Studio for Mac, the latest version focuses on and the code editing experience for users of Visual Studio. Also getting attention in Version 7.6 are several fixes that improve the performance of the application's Integrated Development Environment (IDE), where users edit, debug and build code before publishing their new apps, wrote Nahous.

Further reading • • In addition, support for Microsoft Azure is being expanded with new functions, while new templates are being added as well as the ability to from within the IDE, he wrote. Allow users to quickly get up and running with a serverless function in just a few minutes. 'These new templates allow you to configure access rights, connection strings and any other binding properties that are required to configure the function,' wrote Nahous.

Visual Studio For Mac Bugs

'Another major part of the Azure functions workflow that we are introducing with this release is publishing of functions from Visual Studio for Mac to the Azure Portal.' To publish a function, users can right-click on the project name and select Publish > Publish to Azure. Users will then be able to publish to an existing or use the publishing wizard to create a new one, he wrote.

Visual Studio's code editor gets some important reliability improvements in Version 7.6, according to Nahous, including a bug fix for when Quick Fix menu items don't display if source analysis is disabled, and a fix for a widely reported issue where tooltips would not disappear from the screen. Also repaired was an issue where IntelliSense seems to fail, resulting in red 'squiggles' remaining in the code editor even though there were no errors. For F# developers, Microsoft engineers also fixed IntelliSense to resolve an issue where developers could not use “.” for auto-completion, and also made improvements in JavaScript syntax highlighting. Include an issue where the code editor became so slow as to become unusable, as well as an issue where Visual Studio became incredibly slow and suffered from serious performance lag, wrote Nahous. Also fixed was an issue where search results were not displayed and several nagging issues with the updater.