
To save disk space, any format can be saved with an archive extension such as ZIP, GZ or BZ2 and GIMP will transparently compress the file without you needing to do any extra steps. Gimp 2.10 for mac download. You can find some rare format support in the GIMP plugin registry.

Word For Mac - When Editing A Doc I Can

Since Word for Mac 2011 supports macros you should be able to automate this by placing all your documents in one folder and running the code below. Change vDirectory to the path of the folder which contains the documents to modify. The sAuthorName variable should contain the replacment name. The required function GetFilesOnMacWithOrWithoutSubfolders can be found online.

Create a file in any other program, put a slash in its name, save it, open it, modify it, and save it again. OS X handles it just fine. Jul 18, 2016 - Sometimes it will give me a save pop-up when I close the document, but not always. It is both saving a new file and editing existing files. You drag the document to the desktop it appears under a different name!!! How do I change the file format to the previous 97 version if I can't get a 'Save as' box?