
Visual Studio for Mac has a heritage in Xamarin Studio, and thus supports cross-platform application development for iOS, Android, and macOS with Xamarin. By installing the iOS and Android SDKs. Visual Studio for Mac does not support WinForms/WPF/UWP projects, so DevExpress Controls for those platforms cannot be used. However, Visual Studio for Mac supports cross-platform mobile development with Xamarin.Forms, and a number of controls vendors including DevExpress, SyncFusion, Telerik, Steema, Xuni, and Infragistics provide libraries to enhance Xamarin.Forms projects.

I am creating software that allows a user to add Clients to a service-based database in Visual Studio 2017 through a UI, WPF, with xaml and vb. I have created the UI. My information from the is not being displayed when run. Is a picture of how the grid looks at runtime after i created a new data source within Visual Studio 2017 and dragged the to the Page.xaml design view. How do i get the table to display information?

The database was created within Visual Studio 2017 (Service-Based Database) as was the UI, using WPF (Visual Basic). Do i need to code-in-behind? Or are there simpler methods to get it to display such as just writing in xaml or setting properties of the table produced from dragging it to the UI? Is my xaml code for the grid. I am quite a beginner at database management but I am using this opportunity to grow my skill sets as a freelance programmer. I have looked at various videos but all of them use external SQL Server management software instead of the built in Visual Studio 2017 SQL Server database management software. Moreover they are all in C# and not VB, and all use older versions of Visual Studio.


Then they do not use WPF. Best pptp vpn client for mac Thank you all very much!