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IMO it's unfair to list as a con what 'spam' comments that nor YouTube or content providers have no reasonable control over. Spam was first used to refer to unsolicited email. By posting comments for public consumption or post original comments to the content one is in essence soliciting responses. Googles/youtubes attempt to encourage/force the use of real names on YouTube had the potential to move abuse from inside the web into the world where people actually live. A crank angered by a John Doe on the web is likely to harass every John Doe they can find a phone number for. Actually comment on YouTube are some of the most useful on the web, particularly since YouTube got rid of the character limit and allowed inserting of all URL'. Yea you have to ignore the stupid crap, but that's a small price to pay for free.

Tmy gmail account associated with YouTube isn't my primary email account. The only time a make point to visit my gmail account is when I'm expect something from the google help staff or from the google/YouTube forums. Generally I scroll through the mail and based on the subject mark expect email to be moved to a folder for reading, the remainder is block deleted. I rarely engage in YouTube comment peeing contests • or to post comments. One doesn't have to use Google+ to use you tube, why not setup G+?

When using YouTube I given the choice to use my long time anonymous YouTube user name of my G+ name. In the event the ability to comment is so important to anyone they should decide to stop viewing YouTube content after telling the google/YouTube and the content providers of that decision, and carry through with that decision. Clearly YouTube's hope was to clean up comments by having comments associated with what are thought to be real names civility would ensue. Did take sever exchanges with someone at YouTube to discover how I could still use my long time YouTube user name at YouTube, not my G= associated name.

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Sometimes getting what you think is right takes effort, and patience. Yes policy can change tomorrow. I'm ready to be allowed to watch the videos without commenting, or walk away from YouTube, I doubt few others are ready to do so as well. Anyway not in enough numbers to influance policy. • or to post comments.

Allows you to instantly start a live-stream video on any of your connected social media accounts. Is the most effective way to upload video and increase visibility. Major social networks like and prioritize live video over other content.