
Change default footnote font setting. Discussion in 'Microsoft Word Document Management' started by Guest, Jan 1, 2006. Change font size for footnote. Footnote Font. Footnote font. Default Footnote Font in Word 2007. Cannot change font in footnote reference.

Chances are the object you are trying to change is floating, and you have sent it 'behind the text'. That can make it a bit difficult to get hold of.


You will have to use lots of ingenuity. If you can manage to delete whatever is 'in front' of it, then you will be able to select it.

Alternatively, the item concerned is not in the header at all, it just looks as if it is. Try switching to Draft view. If you can still see it in Draft view, it's not actually in either the header or the footer, it's in the text. Turn your Show/Hide button on, so you can see the non-printing characters. That will enable you to see what you are doing better. Cheers On 22/09/08 2:44 AM, in article 59b5a024.-1@webcrossing.caR9absDaxw, ' wrote: -- Don't wait for your answer, click here: Please reply in the group.

Please do NOT email me unless I ask you to. John McGhie, Microsoft MVP, Word and Word:Mac Nhulunbuy, NT, Australia. Mailto: CyberTaz 24/9/2008, 3:59 น. What you describe is not the same problem - the OP in this thread was dealing with content in a Header which previously had been created. What you describe sounds perfectly normal - you can't just type wherever you wish.

That isn't what Headers & Footers are for and would interfere with readability of the document content. Text in the Header/Footer layer can be in only 3 places: the Header text box, the Footer text box, or some other text box you have to create. Just focusing on the default Header/Footer text boxes - they're similar to any other text box but one difference is that you can't stretch or reposition them. One feature they share with other text boxes, however, is that their default alignment is Let-to-Right, Top-to-Bottom just like the rest of the document. And just like the rest of the document the formatting of the Headers/Footers can be changed. If you explain exactly what you're trying to achieve perhaps there are some suggestions to be offered. HTH :>) Bob Jones [MVP] Office:Mac On 10/12/08 11:29 AM, in article 59b5a024.2@webcrossing.caR9absDaxw, Oli.@officeformac.com, 11:55 น.


Hi Olivier: OK, let me ask you some questions so I get a clearer idea of what you are doing: 1) Do you have your paragraph marks switched on? Click your 'Show' button so you can see them. 2) Which style are you using? The position of text is set by the paragraph properties which are contained in the style. 3) In those styles that are you using, what is the paragraph Alignment property set to? 4) Are there any tabs in those paragraphs? I expect you already know this, but a 'blank space' in Word is not like a blank space on paper.

On paper, a blank space is full of 'paper' so there is something to write letters on. In Word, a blank space is completely 'empty' -- there is nothing there at all. So you cannot position characters in the 'empty' areas to the right of the last character on a line: there is nothing to hold them there.

If you enable the 'Click and Type' preference (DON'T, and switch it off if it is on.) then when you click in an empty area of the document, Word creates sufficient blank paragraphs and tabs to fill in the space to where you want to type. This madness makes a horrible mess of your document formatting, and all those invisible tabs and paragraphs can produce the kinds of confusion you are now suffering. Understand that 'blank means empty: nothing to mount text on' and then turn on your Show button so you can see the non-printing characters.

Then you will see what is actually propping the text up, and be able to adjust the formatting to get characters where you want them. Hope this helps On 17/10/08 4:25 AM, in article 59b5a024.4@webcrossing.caR9absDaxw, ' wrote: -- Don't wait for your answer, click here: Please reply in the group. Best escape games for mac. Please do NOT email me unless I ask you to. John McGhie, Microsoft MVP, Word and Word:Mac Nhulunbuy, NT, Australia. Mailto: Oli.@officeformac.com, 5:14 น.