
Slow Motion Video Player take advantage of media hardware acceleration so it consumes low CPU power and uses battery power in most efficient way. Free Publisher: Pink Info Downloads: 27. Windows Media Player can change the playback speed visually, too, which can be useful for following educational videos, for example, when slow motion can help you better understand a concept. The process to change the Windows Media Player playback speed is easy and typically takes only a few minutes.

Be it a software or the operating system itself, having the main keyboard shortcuts memorized and using them each day can save you a ton of time in the long run. While some might like the mouse more and feel that they could be more productive with that, keyboard is something which you tend to use far more than the mouse and hence knowing how to use it faster and better doesn’t harm. We have already covered. Today we will see 15 cool keyboard shortcuts you can use on VLC, one of the leading cross platform media players, to increase your productivity. The chances of you knowing them all is unlikely, so I insist you check them out. You never know, some of these could make things really easy for you when it comes to.

Important Note: We have written an amazing guide on VLC called. It’s available as a beautiful page as well as a downloadable ebook. Make sure you check that out. Space Bar to Play or Pause Now, two of the most-used functions while playing a video are play and pause, and thus assigned it to the biggest key on your keyboard, the Space Bar. While Space Bar is the de facto play/pause key when it comes to media players, you can’t take it for granted. For example, many versions of Windows Media Player don’t have it. So knowing where it works and where it doesn’t is useful.

F to toggle Full Screen So you have selected a movie, embedded the subtitle (if any), prepared a tub of popcorn, switched off the lights and then finally, you are all set to switch the movie to full screen and play it. Don’t bother with the mouse, just hit the ‘F’ key. It’ll let you and window mode on VLC. Speaking of mouse, check out the. A to Change Aspect ratio Aspect ratio in simple words is the width to the height ratio of the video.

When you, it will not automatically fit your window, and thus you will have to try various predefined available aspect ratios to bring out the best. Using the context menu to cycle aspect ratio can be really time talking. Just press the button A on the keyboard to do that quickly. Z to Change Zoom Mode Using Z you can quickly zoom in and out the video in window mode.


It cycles between one-quarter, half, original and double. Buy the, if you haven’t already. Alt+Left/Alt+Right to Fast Forward slow Want to skip few seconds on the video? Simply press the Alt button along with the direction key in which you want to skip (right for forward and left to go back). Download sierra usb bootable Each key event will skip 10 seconds of your video.

Ctrl+Left/Ctrl+Right to Fast forward Medium To skip a minute in the video, replace the Alt key in the above shortcut with the Ctrl key. Ctrl+Alt+Left/Ctrl+Alt+Right = fast forward long If the seconds and a minute is not long enough, just combine both, the Alt and the Ctrl key along with the directional button to skip 5 minutes of the video. Well, that’s the longest you can get using the shortcut, any more than that, and you will have to use the seek bar. Note: People who are using Intel HD Graphics card might want to disable their cards’ global hotkey before using the above shortcut. I didn’t do it, and my screen turned upside down.