
People come to QuickBooks Learn & Support for help and answers—we want to let them know that we're here to listen and share our knowledge. We do that with the style and format of our responses. Here are five guidelines: • Keep it conversational. When answering questions, write like you speak. Imagine you're explaining something to a trusted friend, using simple, everyday language. Avoid jargon and technical terms when possible. Recent version of quicktime for mac.

When no other word will do, explain technical terms in plain English. • Be clear and state the answer right up front. Ask yourself what specific information the person really needs and then provide it. Stick to the topic and avoid unnecessary details. Break information down into a numbered or bulleted list and highlight the most important details in bold. • Be concise. Aim for no more than two short sentences in a paragraph, and try to keep paragraphs to two lines.

A wall of text can look intimidating and many won't read it, so break it up. It's okay to link to other resources for more details, but avoid giving answers that contain little more than a link. • Be a good listener. When people post very general questions, take a second to try to understand what they're really looking for. Project gallery word for macro.


The Mac office: When QuickBooks for Mac is the wrong choice. So that she could easily view and update our financial records. That the Mac versions of both QuickBooks and Quicken have for. I’m on Quickbooks for Mac 2015 and tried to upgrade to 2016 – even paid for it. Perhaps I should have installed it yesterday (May 31, 2018) So far my payroll is working. That’s my worry.

Then, provide a response that guides them to the best possible outcome. • Be encouraging and positive. Look for ways to eliminate uncertainty by anticipating people's concerns. Make it apparent that we really like helping them achieve positive outcomes.