
Microsoft Office Excel Stack-Based Buffer Overflow Arbitrary Code Execution Vulnerability. Microsoft Office for Mac 2011; Microsoft Excel Viewer. A standalone copy or paraphrase of the text of this document that omits the distribution URL is an uncontrolled copy and may lack important information or contain factual. You can align and position cell contents in Excel using the Alignment group on the Office 2011 for Mac Ribbon’s Home tab at the top of the Excel window: Horizontal: Select from left, center, or right justification for a cell. Vertical: Select top, center, or bottom. Orientation: Tip and turn cell contents. Wrap Text: Choose [].

Hi Philipp, > active scheme is set to 32-bit mode It was that. Thanks very much for that - it has made my day. FWIW I think that putting the dylib in a folder in the relevant PATH allows you to avoid specifying the entire pathname in the Declare Function statement.

Excel For Mac 2011 Text Overflow

I am not familiar with the normal search paths on Mac OS X but there is documentation at (not sure that is publically accessible). This suggests that the dynamic linker searches the folders in DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH then 'the default locations for libraries' It also mentions that is searches DYLD_FALLBACK_LIBRARY_PATH (which defaults to $(HOME)/lib:/usr/local/lib:/lib:/usr/lib ) 'for libraries not found in their install path', i.e.

The path defined in the XCode build instructions. Created ~/lib (i.e. 'Macintosh HD:Users:philipp:lib' ) b. Put my dylib in there c. Used Private Declare Function addFunction _ Lib 'libSampleDyLib.dylib' Alias 'addFunctionC' (ByVal a As Double, ByVal b As Double) As Double and that worked. I think ~/usr is actually one of the standard search locations for libraries, but I do not know for sure. Peter Jamieson.

This was the missing piece of the puzzle to make my Google Chrome Enterprise installation script evergreen. Shared his Function on how to read Google’s JSON file to find the latest version. Which means I needed to do stuff manually or simple download and delete each and every time. You see even with Google’s URL to their latest version it wasn’t possible for me to grab the version number. Google chrome mac.

Hi Philipp, Thanks for posting. I tried following that article, but could not get Office to find the dylib (it always fails on an error 53, no matter where I put it).

Because the file is undoubtedly where I said it is, I have to assume that the message for error 53 is misleading and that Office VBA is finding the file, but failing to find something else. At first I assumed that Realbasic has a better implementation of the external function definition feature than VBA does, but if you can get it to work with VBA, there must be something else going on. The Realbasic article talks about using xCode 3, whereas I only have xCode 4 here. Are you using xCode 3? Peter Jamieson. Hi Philipp, > active scheme is set to 32-bit mode It was that.

Thanks very much for that - it has made my day. FWIW I think that putting the dylib in a folder in the relevant PATH allows you to avoid specifying the entire pathname in the Declare Function statement. I am not familiar with the normal search paths on Mac OS X but there is documentation at (not sure that is publically accessible). This suggests that the dynamic linker searches the folders in DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH then 'the default locations for libraries' It also mentions that is searches DYLD_FALLBACK_LIBRARY_PATH (which defaults to $(HOME)/lib:/usr/local/lib:/lib:/usr/lib ) 'for libraries not found in their install path', i.e.

The path defined in the XCode build instructions. Created ~/lib (i.e. 'Macintosh HD:Users:philipp:lib' ) b.

Put my dylib in there c. Used Private Declare Function addFunction _ Lib 'libSampleDyLib.dylib' Alias 'addFunctionC' (ByVal a As Double, ByVal b As Double) As Double and that worked. I think ~/usr is actually one of the standard search locations for libraries, but I do not know for sure.

Peter Jamieson. Hi Guys This thread is great! Thanks for the great input so far but lets keep going. What is the best way to exchange arrays between excel and the dylib?

I'm coming from the PC where I wrote xll's to do this using XLW and had thought it would not be possible on Mac since xll's are not supported. Now I'm hoping I was wrong. I want my vba function to take a range or ranges and send them off to C for calculation and then return from C the modified array(s). Www.magellangps.com/content-manager-software for mac pro. Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, Rick.

Rick, In case you missed it, there is a little bit more in the thread mashix started - I've now referenced it properly in this thread, but it's here: I haven't taken it any further than that yet, but my starting point would be as follows: a. On Mac, AFAIK, there is no C/Objective-C support for any of the COM/Automation stuff that we're familiar with on Windows. At the very least on the Windows side, there would be C/C++ support for the standard structures using in COM/Automation, primarily Variants, Variant Arrays, and arrays of Variants I suppose.

Then there might be support for specific structures such as Excel Range objects. I don't really see why, in principle, if the structures used in Windows C/C++ are defined in.h files, they could not be ported and re-used in the Mac world. In practice, I have normally found that 'between hard and impossible,' but then I'm not a C programmer.