
Hey all, I’ve got a problem that’s driving me nuts and I’m hoping someone might be able to help me out. I bought a brand new Seagate 2TB HDD. Externally, it works fine and shows up as NTFS. Internally, it doesn’t work and shows up as RAW. If I take it out and pop it back into the caddy, it’s perfect and back in business. Put it back inside, and it’s as reluctant to work as a basement dwelling teenager. The drive is brand new and simply used as a storage device without the need for partitions.

I don’t need Recovery advice, as the data is accessible in the caddy and not showing bad sectors, virus', etc I just need to know why it’s doing the NTFS/RAW thing. I’ve never had this problem before. Is there an issue with 2TB HDD’s and allocation unit numbers? I’m not talking about MBR and GPT as the drive is below 2.2TB and is not being partitioned. Best os for late 2009 mac mini. Aaaaand a Merry Christmas folks!

This article covers many of the common error messages and questions you might encounter. This is typical and not an issue when using the drive as NTFS.


If you format it while it's inside it'll work fine, but you'll lose any data on it. Also not sure how it'd react if you put it back into the case. Doesn't work. Tried that as my first option. It went all the way to 100% and then said something about 'not being able to complete the action' via a pop-up box. The drive simply shows up in Disk Management as a healthy RAW drive.

It was assigned a letter. It appears in 'My Computer' but if I try to double click, it says it 'need to be formatted'.

However, put it back in the caddy and it's a fully populated NTFS drive! Download this to a USB stick or CD: Shut down, and unplug/remove all the drives except the one you're having issues with.

This is going to wipe it, so we don't want to get the wrong drive by accident. Boot off the USB drive or CD. Select the right drive. Go to Device>New Partition table, and write either a GPT or MBR to the drive.

It shouldn't matter massively which. Hit new partition, and make a NTFS partition that takes up the same drive. Shut down, reinsert the drives, and boot into Windows. PS: If there's any errors, please post them exactly. Thank you so much SS, and sorry for the late reply. I've only just managed to try it AND IT WORKED!

Excel remove hyphens from ssn I used Yumi to create a bootable USB from the Gparted ISO. First time around, it turned it into a NTFS, but then upon refresh turned it back into an unknown/RAW drive.


So I did it again and created a 1mb partition, repeated the process and now it recognises it as NTFS. I'm going to drop my MP3's on to it from a back-up drive and hopefully it won't decide to switch back to RAW the next time I boot up. Thanks again my friend, you're a star!

I'm having trouble getting a 2 TB Seagate Backup Plus drive to mount on my 2011 Macbook Pro. When I plug it into the USB port, Disk Utility detects it. I ran Verify Disk and it said the disk needed repair. So I ran Repair Disk and it said it was successful. However, the drive still won't mount. The drive will mount on other Macs, but not my Macbook Pro.