
• Package your app with a captive runtime. The Mac App Store only accepts self-contained apps, and doesn't allow apps that use the shared AIR runtime. After packaging your.app bundle, manually open your Info.plist file in your favorite XML editor. Add an LSApplicationCategoryType entry. • Also add a 512x512 icon to your Icon.icns file.


May 5, 2017 - The file, named Install Adobe Flash Player.app.zip, will appear to be an Adobe Flash installer (Say what you will about Flash, but there are still. Flash Professional CC. Submitting AIR applications for iOS to Apple’s App Store that resulted from. To testing projects on 4-Core and 8- Core Mac Pro Desktops.

(Currently the adt tool does not support icons of this size on Mac.) You can use Icon Composer (available with the xcode tools) to resize. • Apple places several restrictions to post on the Mac App Store, including: • The locations an app can write to • The APIs an app can use (non-public APIs are not allowed) • And the resources an app is allowed to use. • WebKit uses a few non-public APIs that are not allowed on the Mac App Store, so you cannot use HTMLLoader or any class in the flash.html package in your app. Manually remove WebKit.dylib and Flash Player.plugin from the Adobe AIR.framework/Resources subtree inside your app bundle. You can use the StageWebView class but only when created with useNative=true. • Additionally, if you are interested in decreasing the size of your app and you are not using any DRM functionality, you can manually remove Adobe AIR.vch, adobecp.plugin, adobecp.vch, and AdobeCP15.plugin from the Adobe AIR.framework/Resources subtree inside your app bundle. • It is recommended that you use Mac OS 10.7 or higher to upload your app.

There is a bug in Mac OS 10.6 that prevents Apple’s Application Loader from successfully uploading your app with the AIR runtime. To upload from Mac OS 10.6, there is a workaround: • Delete the “Resources” symbolic link in the AIR framework folder and create a true folder called “Resources”. • Copy the AIR Info.plist file (from Versions/1.0/Resources) into this new folder. Modify the original Info.plist file (inside Versions/1.0/Resources) by renaming the bundle id to com.adobe.AIR1. You are now ready to upload your app. Before doing so, you must create meta-data for your app on. • Log in using your Apple ID.

• Follow the Manage Your Applications link. • And click the Add New App button to create the meta-data. Then, use Application Loader to upload the app for review. (Application Loader is part of Xcode tools, versions 3.2.6 and above.

Application Loader is also available as a stand-alone download). You find out right away if your application bundle is well-formed. But it takes a few days to find out if Apple approved it or not. In particular, if you are using a self-signed certificate you could get the following warning from iTunes Connect: Adobe has discovered one or more issues with your recent binary submission for 'YYY'.

Your app has proceeded to review, but the following issues should be corrected in your next submission: Invalid Signature - the nested app bundle (YYY.app/Contents/Frameworks/Adobe AIR.framework) is not signed, the signature is invalid, or it is not signed with an Apple submission certificate. Refer to the Code Signing and Application Sandboxing Guide for more information.

Cannot print from internet outlook 2011 for mac I did create a new 'test' identity and I am able to print emails from Outlook under the 'test' identity. Called Apple and after trying a few things, they told me to contact Microsoft for assistance.

If you're using an out-of-date version of the Adobe Flash Player plug-in, you may see the message “Blocked plug-in,” “Flash Security Alert,” or “Flash out-of-date” when attempting to view Flash content in Safari. Clicking the indicator displays a message that Adobe Flash Player is out of date: To continue viewing Flash content, update to a later version of Adobe Flash Player: • Click the Download Flash button.

Safari opens the Adobe Flash Player page on the Adobe website. • Follow the instructions on the Adobe website to download and install the latest version of the plug-in. Cool computer games for mac

If you need to use an older version of Flash Player, you can use in Safari to run the plug-in in unsafe mode for websites that you trust. Contact Adobe if you need help downloading, installing, or using Adobe Flash Player.

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