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In response to. If you are seeing the message 'Adobe Flash Player was blocked because it is out of date,' please provide the following details if you haven't already.

If you are having a different Flash issue (e.g. Flash crashing, etc), please search this forum for a different discussion thread that matches to your issue (not all Flash issues are the same). - Chrome version # (check by going to Wrench -> About Google Chrome) - Operating system (Win XP, etc) - Type about:flash into your address bar, hit enter and on the page that appears, copy/paste the handful of lines before it says 'crash data' - Please provide exact URLs where you're seeing this error message NOTE: Please also know that it is normal to see more than one Flash plug-in on your about:plugins page. If all show as enabled, Chrome's embedded plug-in is used by default.

More info here about this here:. Thanks, Toni Chrome Version 21.0.1180.89 (says it's up to date) - Operating system: Mac OS X 10.5.8 (also says all software is up to date) -Google Chrome 21.0.1180.89 () OS Mac OS X Flash plugin /Library/Internet Plug-Ins/Flash Player.plugin - Please provide exact URLs where you're seeing this error message:;; L_JC 13/9/2012, 16:04 น. Google Chrome does not load web page using Flash. It displays 'Adobe Flash Player was blocked because it is out of date'. Google Chrome Version 21.0.1180.89 (says it's up to date) Operating system: Mac OS X 10.5.8 (also says all software is up to date, but updates pass through district server so may not be getting most recent updates yet) Flash plugin /Library/Internet Plug-Ins/Flash Player.plugin Please provide exact URLs where you're seeing this error message: Any help would be appreciated. Tomaslxix 13/9/2012, 21:07 น.

Pil install the headers or library files could not be found for jpeg mac. Well Google, It's apparent you don't value us as customers. You probably don't mind that the millions of us using 10.5.8 will now use your competitions' browsers. Alienating an entire loyal customer base that already use your product is not a very smart way to run your business. Maybe someday you'll see the error of your ways and continue to support our OS but by that time I'll be using Safari so I won't even care. Can you just do me one small favor? Please don't run any more Chrome commercials on my TV.

Jlc2ay 26/9/2012, 17:46 น. I just started having this issue as well.

Luckily I don't need Flash to download Firefox. I have been happily using Chrome on my Mac since before it was officially available (using the nightly builds) and I've felt it was superior to all other browsers. But this problem has single-handedly caused me to go back to Firefox and I have to say that I'm impressed with what they've done while I was gone.

At this point, I'm seriously considering installing Firefox on all of my computers and ditching Chrome since Google obviously doesn't care about its users. Clammtastic 27/9/2012, 21:35 น. Hi Toni, thank you for that information to make people at least understand what happens. Anyway, please be aware that people still want to continue their current system which implies to not update Mac OS X 10.5.x to a higher version. The currently annoying point is that Chrome continues to pop-up the message telling that the Adobe Flash player is out of date, while the 'Learn More'-link does not provide the information you give here.

And the solution proposed by Google to at least disable such messages is to start Chrome with a flag from command line to disable those message. This is as well very unfortunate, because first there maybe would be another important message and second who does want to / can at all do that? I could but I won't. If you keep that solution, people staying for the time being with Mac OS X 10.5.x will have to switch to another browser. Thank you for your understanding and further help, Stefan javinoct 28/9/2012, 4:52 น.


You can write a terminal script that way you just click on the script when you want to open chrome In the Terminal, create a new file: (ignore '>') > touch executechrome Edit that file: > pico executechrome Start off by showing it is a shell script: > #!/bin/sh > '/Applications/Google Chrome.app/Contents/MacOS/Google Chrome' --allow-outdated-plugins Save and exit: CTRL-O, CTRL-X Now, make it executable: > chmod 755 executechrome Test it: >./executechrome In the Finder you can put '.command' at the end of 'executechrome'. If you do that, your script will open the Terminal and run it. Idamo 28/9/2012, 19:23 น. Javinoct - Your first set of directions for the '/Applications/Google Chrome.app/Contents/MacOS/Google Chrome' --allow-outdated-plugins worked for me! But it seems that you would have to paste that into the Terminal every time you wanted to open Chrome. In your most recent post - were you were explaining a method that we could use to create a file we could use to open Chrome with just a click (without the Flash error messages)? Can you explain your most recent post a little better for those of us who have never used Terminal before?